Seleccionadas 11 empresas para presentar en el I Life Sciences Investor Capital Forum 2020


1. Medical Device – €2,000,000

Medical device company developing a needle-free smartpatch for painless drug delivery through the skin (Heparin, insulin, interferon, vaccines..) for patients with chronic diseases.

2. Medical Device – €7,000,000

Digital health and therapy device development company, that developed a non-invasive hypertension therapy device and a migraine and headache therapy device.

3. Biotechnology – €5,250,000

Pharmaceutical using Membrane-lipid therapy to develop first-in-class drugs for glioblastoma treatment.
The company started the activity in 2006 and until now more than 600 investors have invested a total of 14 million euros in equity.

4. Medical Device – €7,000,000

Medical device company developing a non-invasive solution, independent of MRI or CT scan, which provides a rapid diagnosis and stratification of cardiac dysrhythmia patients according to personalized symptoms.

5. Biotechnology – €500,000

Biotechnolgy company whose objective is to develop and market a new generation of precision nutritional supplements for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. The new era of nutritional supplements opens up a huge potential in the development of products for specific use for health that establish synergy with current pharmacological treatments.

6. E-Health – €700,000

E-Health Technical Solution company developing immersive, AI-based, 3D clinical solution to assess and train visual dysfunctions in children.
The company has a round of €1,400,000 and has already raised 50% of it.

7. IT – €6,000,000

Company focusing on the development of solutions of traceability, security, efficiency and quality, for critical processes within hospitals, and more specifically in the pharmacy, clinical trials and oncology departments.

8. Medical Device – €1,000,000

Medical device company developing point of care device for rapid detection of sepsis using specific and new alternative biomarkers.

9. Biotechnology – €500,000

Company developing new drugs for Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP). The company has received an award for the best European startup in Paris.

Company that is developing a bracelet for epilepsy detection through AI under the supervision of medical doctors.
The technology is absolutely proven and certified by one of the biggest electronics devices providers worldwide.

10. Medical Diagnostics – €2,500,000

Company focused on molecular diagnostics based on nanotechnology. First humanitarian indication: tuberculosis to be commercialy launched in mid 2020.

11. Medical Device – €1,000,000

Universal video laryngoscope for rutine and difficult intubations with Disponsible blade “100% recyclable”. Intubate in a better, easier & cheaoer way.